Dream Tools -
to help you succeed

Act On Your Dream! > Dream Tools

How can dream tools help you succeed in making your dream come true?

What are dream tools and how will they help you?

These questions may reflect what you're thinking as you come to this page, at least for the first time. Let's see if I can clear this up a bit...

It's one thing to have a dream, but that's just the start.

You need to visualize your dream -- imagine that you've already succeeded and your dream has come true. Picture yourself a year from now, or five years, or ten years, living your life and enjoying the success that comes from living your dream.

Now, you have a starting point -- your dream -- and an end point -- a time in the future when you are successful. So, how do you go from the starting point to the end point?

Obviously, you need to develop a plan.

A plan can be simple or complex, depending upon the type of dream you want to achieve. Many dreams can be realized within a year from now, but others may take longer. The longer it will take you to achieve the dream, the more you need to develop a step-by-step plan.

Goal setting and developing objectives and action steps are necessary for successfully completing an involved plan, but they may not be necessary for achieving a simple goal. It's up to you, possibly with some help from others who are already where you want to be, to decide how to approach this.

So, what are dream tools?

I'm thinking of dream tools as a list of resources, tools, methods, and other things that will help you develop your plan, put it in process, tell the world, and act on your dream until you've made it real.

I'll be listing some of the tools I use and recommend and I'd love to hear from you.

What tools and resources
do you recommend?

Obviously, this answer depends upon the complexity of the dream, the length of time it may take to get there, and the way any particular person chooses to approach the process of succeeding in making a dream real.

Since I depend on the Internet so much for making my dreams come true, I'll be posting some web tools that I use, and I'll be adding new categories and tools as I find them and as you recommend them.

Stay tuned. This could be helpful for both of us.

Newsletters - Dream Tools - Recommended newsletters that inspire, motivate, educate, and help you act on your dream.

Weblogs - Dream Tools - Recommended weblogs that educate, explain, and help you act on your dream.

What is social networking? - What is social networking? People are social creatures and we enjoy gathering with others who share our interests. Social networking sites are great for spreading the word about your dream and how you plan to accomplish it.

Where do I go from here?

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