Act On Your Dream! > Famous Authors
You may not know this about me, but I am a voracious reader of books, some written by famous authors and some written by people you may never have heard of. The one thing they have in common is that they have helped me create and shape the life I live.
One of the main things I have learned from the authors I've grown to trust is this: Don't wait. Set your goals, make your plans, and get started today to live the life you dream about.
A year from now, you will wish you had started today.
-- Karen Lamb
I am not going to hold myself out as an example of a person you should emulate. I am not a paragon of virtue nor am I a self-made multi-millionaire.
In fact, I prefer to live a simple life in the mountains of western North Carolina.
What you and I may have in common, though, is this. I have read many self-help and self-improvement books over the decades and I believe this has made a dramatically positive improvement in the quality of my life and the enjoyment I get from living it.
I've watched many self-help videos that have helped me improve my life, too.
Since you're here on this page, I can assume that you are a reader, too. So, I'm going to recommend some authors that have helped me over the years. Maybe some of them will be a positive influence on your life, as well.
You will not find best-selling fiction authors here.
But, you will find some of the outstanding self-help and motivational writers and speakers that I value.
I am happy to recommend them to you.
Napoleon Hill is a best-selling author and some people consider him to be the father of the modern personal success industry.
He is best known for a couple of his books, Think and Grow Rich, and Law of Success. He wrote quite a few others.
Napoleon Hill is my top recommendation to you. If you have not read and re-read Think and Grow Rich, then right now is the time to get started.
In addition to the page about Mr. Hill, I have links to Think and Grow Rich in the right column of every page on this site. That's how strongly I recommend it.
I've read lots of books and listened to lots of audio that were created by famous authors through the years, and I keep coming back to Think and Grow Rich. I usually re-read it every year, on or about my birthday, as I set new goals and make plans to reach them over the next year. It's a tradition that I've been doing for over three decades, and works well for me.
If I had to decide on just one person to listen to in order to get the most motivation and good ideas on how I can change my life in order to have the best tools and mindset to act on my dream, I'd have a hard time deciding between Zig Ziglar and Jim Rohn. Both of them have played a big part in my life.
Mr. Ziglar is a famous author of several best-selling books, and is internationally known as one of the best motivational speakers in the world.
If the question was who had helped me learn the most about setting goals and learning about selling, then the obvious choice, for me, is Zig Ziglar.
If you have never listened to Zig or read his books, then I encourage you to do so. His insights, stories, and techniques can help you change your life. It worked for me.
I first encountered Dan Kennedy way back in the 20th century, when I was first getting interested in copywriting, advertising, and marketing. It was when I lived in Phoenix, Arizona.
Actually, I kind of learned of him by accident, because I actually went to hear Zig Ziglar speak at a success seminar. I didn't have anything pressing on my schedule that day, so I listened to several of the speakers. One of them, and I think he was the last speaker of the day, really caught my attention. I've never seen anyone who could give such a dead-pan presentation and still stir up the people in the crowd. There was something about him. When he finished talking, I watched a whole herd of people go to the back of the room to buy the products he had created and was selling.
Over the years, I heard people talk about him, so he remained on my radar, but not to where I was stimulated to do anything.
Last year, when it looked like I wasn't going to die from the cancer that nearly got me in 2010, I was putting together a plan to get my marketing business back in working order. I ran across one of Dan's NO BS books on Amazon. I was ordering a lot of books about marketing last year -- going back to the basics for a review, as it were -- and I ordered several of them. The more I read, the more I became convinced that here was a master of the art I am working to learn.
So, I took advantage of his free offer and became a trial member of the Glazer-Kennedy Insider's Circle. When the free trial ended, I continued my membership and have no plans of canceling it. It's a little expensive (about $60 per month), but I think it's worth every penny. Dan charges thousands of dollars per hour just to meet with him for marketing consulting. I get a lot of what he's learned for a tiny fraction of that. When his newsletter arrives every month, I set everything aside and devote time to studying it. It's not for everyone, but it contains gold for people looking to set up a marketing system for their businesses.
Dan S. Kennedy, author of over a dozen highly acclaimed books on business and marketing, has written articles to help you learn the success methods thousands of entrepreneurs use to create successful businesses in hundreds of different categories. His NO B.S. MARKETING LETTER, one of the business newsletters published for Members of Glazer-Kennedy Insider's Circle, is the largest paid subscription newsletter in its genre in the world.
I first encountered Dr. Dyer in the late 1970s, when I read his first book, Your Erroneous Zones. I am lucky, because I come from a family that encouraged and supported me and I didn't grow up with a lot of emotional and psychological baggage. Still, however, we all pick up erroneous notions and ideas. It's a part of life. His book helped me identify some of the ones that were bothering me and I worked to eliminate them. It made a real difference in my life.
Over the last 30+ years, Dr. Wayne Dyer has written a number of books and created videos that are designed to help us improve our lives. I recommend reading and watching them.
He has become one of the famous authors I recommend because of the way he presents the information I want to know so that I can more effectively act on my dreams, and I believe he can help you create the reality of your dream, too.
Dr. Wayne Dyer is a recognized leader in the field of self-development. He is a lecturer, psychotherapist, and best-selling author.
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This is the edition
I recommend...
Think and
Grow Rich!:
The Original
Version, Restored
and Revised
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