Starting a private piano teaching studio

by Elizabeth

Maybe a dream that I gave up on was teaching piano privately to kids.

It just seemed too hard to get it going in a city as big as the one I live in, NYC, and with so many folks being cash-stapped these days of recession. Plus, I was already burned out from a previous business endeavour.

However, I feel that I have more energy to try again now. I will research how to start my studio, since I had not really done much of that before.

Hi Elizabeth,

Thanks for sharing with us.

Starting a business requires careful planning, but it can be done and done well.

I know several people who have started new businesses during this recession and they are doing well.

What did they have in common? Careful planning and writing a detailed business plan before starting.

Check with a local business or community college or with SCORE in your area ( There are lots of resources to help people who want to start a business and succeed with it.

Best of luck! I hope your music business takes off and does very well.

Act on your dream!


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