Act On Your Dream! > Famous Authors > Zig Ziglar
I've said this many times whenever someone has asked me who has helped me change my life for the better: Zig Ziglar.
Now, it's true that Napoleon Hill, in his classic works, Think and Grow Rich and Law of Success, got me started on this path of self-improvement and focusing on the goals I want to achieve in my life. Mr. Hill made a tremendous difference in my life, but sometimes the information he provides can be a bit overwhelming -- at least for me.
Mr. Ziglar, on the other hand, offers specific examples and steps to follow and that has made it easier for me to learn how to set goals and believe that I can achieve them, and more. I like reading his books, but I much prefer to listen to his audio recordings or watch videos of his presentations.
Zig has a folksy charm that comes across best in video, where we can see his sincerity, laugh at his humorous lines, and get the full impact of what he says. I find these videos to be highly motivational, and so do millions of other people around the world.
I especially recommend these lectures: See You At The Top, Goals, and Sell Your Way To The Top. I learned a lot from each of them and they helped me build my businesses over the years. As I have time, I'll be reviewing each of them, but the bottom line is I highly recommend Zig to you.
If you have not read his books or watched his videos, you should -- if you want to learn from one of the best motivational speakers, ever.
Yes, that's a personal recommendation based on my own experiences.
Summary: Goals is a lecture where Zig leads your through the steps to take, and the reasons you should do so, to create your business plan for life.
Most people go through life with no plan, no goals, and no major achievements. That's okay, if that's what you want from your life. However, if you'd like to learn how to create the life you want, to achieve more success, and find the time to act on your dream, then Zig can help you -- as he has helped millions of people around the world, before you.
Why should you learn to set goals? If you can't answer that question, you need to listen to Zig.
Read more of my thoughts about Zig Ziglar - Goals.
You can purchase books, audio recordings, and videos by Mr. Ziglar at MindPerk and Nightingale-Conant. Highly recommended.
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Think and
Grow Rich!:
The Original
Version, Restored
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